Stay Home Now. Dream Online. Visit Us Later!
Stay Home Now. Dream Online. Visit Us Later!”
If you were planning on visiting Madeira soon, you probably have seen one of the archipelago’s latest campaigns dedicated to visitors. Madeira’s latest awareness campaign “Stay Home Now. Dream Online. Visit Us Later!” is a response to tourists hoping to visit the archipelago in the future. With people having to stay at home during these uncertain times, it can be difficult to look forward to enjoyable experiences. Therefore, if having to stay home gives you that “fear you missing out” feeling you can rest assured. Madeira is not going anywhere.

The COVID- 19 Pandemic
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic currently forces people to practice social distancing and confinement. The crisis resulting from the pandemic has led the Madeiran Government to close its borders. Madeira restricts entry to the island and thus, rightly so, freezes touristic opportunities. After Madeira declared the State of Emergency, a lot of visitors indeed had to cancel their trip.
Madeira’s Awareness Campaign
However, this does not mean Madeira will not be able to welcome visitors once the current situation has passed. The Madeira Promotion Bureau made it clear through its latest campaign that future visitors will be able to enjoy their stay on Madeira to the fullest once travelling does not represent a health and safety threat.
It is not because physical borders are closed that digital borders should be closed too. The pandemic should not stop you from dreaming about Madeira. By encouraging people to think about their next Madeira adventure, the Madeira Promotion Bureau encourages people to remain positive during this difficult time and to do what is best: stay home now to safely enjoy their trip later. As a result, a reunion with Madeira’s beautiful nature and landscapes will be even more spectacular.